A Week In The Life Of - Equilibrium

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    A Week In The Life Of

    Young man stood in front of decorated background

    Alex Spencer, who has just completed his GCSE’s at The Manchester Grammar School, joined the Equilibrium team last week to gain some work experience within the industry.

    Alex Spencer, who has just completed his GCSE’s at The Manchester Grammar School, joined the Equilibrium team last week to gain some work experience within the industry.

    Alex spent his week in various departments within the business; he mainly worked alongside the client managers learning the different aspects of their role but spent an afternoon with both the Marketing and Investment teams.

    As part of the placement, Alex attended last week’s client investment briefing and said  “I looked at the slides before the briefing and they were a little confusing to me; however during the briefing Mike explained them very clearly to the clients which allowed me to gain a better understanding.”

    Senior Client Manager, Lucy Woolrich said “I tried to place Alex in as many different areas of the business to let him gain the most from his experience, from what I’ve seen the investment side is his main interest!  We have enjoyed having him here this week; he’s asked a lot of good questions and has seemed genuinely interested in what we do!”

    The work experience has proved to be very beneficial to Alex as he added “The non-stop hard work of the client managers has taught me that time keeping and organisation skills are very important when completing tasks. Also I have a much clearer understanding into the roles of the investment team and more knowledge about emerging markets. I definitely am keen to learn more about wealth management and finance in general. ”

    Alex will receive his GCSE results at the end of August and plans to continue his education at The Manchester Grammar Sixth Form where his A-Level choices will consist of History, Economics, Politics and Mathematics. We wish him the best of luck in the future!

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