DIAL West Cheshire receives £300 donation from Equilibrium - Equilibrium

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    DIAL West Cheshire receives £300 donation from Equilibrium

    As part of its Chester & District Community Scheme Equilibrium has awarded DIAL West Cheshire £300.

    As part of its Chester & District Community Scheme Equilibrium has awarded DIAL West Cheshire £300.

    The charity provides a range of disability-related services and its vision is a society where disabled people and older people can participate equally as full citizens. The charity empowers disabled people and older people to live sustained, independent lives through the delivery of advice and information, a community café, shopmobility and its volunteer scheme.

    To keep the community café functional the charity required a new chiller to continue with its plans to become more sustainable by generating more of its own income – with revenue from the café playing a part in these plans. The donation will help ensure that the café can continue to generate and be a thriving point of contact in the local community for disabled and elderly people.

    To find out more about DIAL West Cheshire visit: www.dialwestcheshire.org.uk

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