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We know that running a company often leaves little time for anything else, and financial planning can often slip through the cracks. That’s where our business owner strategy service (B.O.S.S.) can help.
What is the BOSS service?
Our B.O.S.S. is a standalone easy-access financial planning service for business owners to identify valuable opportunities, and appropriate actions to be taken, prior to the sale of their business.
Who is it for?
This service is for any business owner who is looking to release a capital value from their business in excess of £1 million at any point in the future. As with any aspect of financial planning, the sooner you engage, the better. The service is ideally targeted at business owners who are within five to 10 years of selling their business or ceasing trading.
This short video explains more.
The service is designed to engage with you, the business owner (as well as your existing advisers if appropriate) and provide you with two primary outcomes:
- An assessment of your current circumstances to uncover ‘Your Number’. Using an in-depth and well-reasoned cash flow assessment, we can help you find exactly how much capital you will need for the future, providing an invaluable guide for decision making both for you and for your business.
- Identify and implement simple and straightforward tax planning strategies which, if established early, can have a massive impact on total tax paid and therefore the overall return needed to meet any post-sale goals.
Colin Lawson explains more about the two steps mentioned in this video.
The service is designed to be standalone. There is no requirement for Equilibrium to manage any existing investments you have, or disrupt the relationship you may have with an existing adviser.
Our short video explains how it will work if you already have a relationship with an adviser.
The cost for this service is £2,750 + VAT chargeable to the business.
This price is only for the advice element, and there could be other investment related costs if you proceed with any recommendations.
Colin Lawson explains more about the costs in our short video.
Contact us
To ask any questions or to have a chat about this service, please contact our friendly expert, Ben Rogers, on 0808 156 1176 or email ben.rogers@equilibrium.co.uk.
Find out more
To learn more about BOSS, get in touch with our advisers by completing this short form or by calling 0808 156 1176